Speed Week
May 5th, 2009 9:35pm
Wile some of us were racing at Alabama and Langford, BBC member and Wells Fargo Advisor Andy Cummings was turning the pedals down in the deep South racing at Speed week. Andy spent a lot of time this past winter training hard and it really shows. I heard good things early in the season during the Giros, and now I see the fruits of his labor. Andy had some really nice results last week. Wednesday in the CAT 2/3 Downtown Walterboro, SC Crit he finished 10th out of 49 starters. Friday in the CAT 3/4 Spartanburg, SC Regional Crit he finished 6th out of 89 starters. Saturday in the CAT 3 Athens Twighlight Jittery Joe's race he finished 8th out of 99 starters. And he capped it off with a 4th place on Sunday in the CAT 3/4 Historic Roswell, GA Crit out of 94 starters. Nice job Andy, way to represent our club.