[2006] [2008]

2007 Results

  Wyoming County Handicapp Road Race 
           Sunday - September 30, 2007
  Race Director: D.Wisniewski  
  Marshals: S.Toorongian, J.Puglisi, E.Mas, C.Cej 
                 D.Park for M.Loranty, B.Willis for F.Mesi
  Distance: 26 miles             
Place Name                         Time Group/Time Handicapp
1 James Cowle 1:15:03 (4) - 5 min. 40 sec.
2 Ken Thomas 1:15:04 (4) - 5 min. 40 sec.
3 Joe Niezgoda 1:15:10 (3) - 4 min. 00 sec.
4 Steve Forrestel 1:15:12 (2) - 2 min. 00 sec.
5 Steve Hoadley 1:15:15 (2) - 2 min. 00 sec.
6 Craig Polston 1:15:20 (2) - 2 min. 00 sec.
7 Rob Nowinski 1:15:39 (3) - 4 min. 00 sec.
8 Larry Watkins 1:15:41 (2) - 2 min. 00 sec.
9 Ben Badagliacca 1:15:57 (3) - 4 min. 00 sec.
10 Attilio Nicosia 1:15:58 (3) - 4 min. 00 sec.
11 Joe Giovenco 1:16:05 (3) - 4 min. 00 sec.
12 Rob Johnson 1:16:09 (1) - none
13 Bill Dowling 1:16:19 (1) - none
14 Tom Robinson 1:16:27 (1) - none
15 Kevin McNallie 1:25:44 (1) - none
dnf Chris Bushover dnf (4) - 5 min. 40 sec.
dnf Andy Cummings dnf (4) - 5 min. 40 sec.

  Akron 20 km. Individual Time Trial            
  Race Director: Derek Szabo                
  Marshals: Peter Potter, Roger Hungerford, Dan Park       
  A Race           B  Race      
Plc. Name Time Pts. Team   Plc. Name Time Pts. Team
1 Jay Joslyn 25:27:00 23     1 Joe Niezgoda 27:32:00 25 JOE
2 Glenn Hansen 28:32:00 22 TPB/P2P   2 Cameron Townsend 28:43:00 24 TPB/P2P
3 Pat Merrick 28:40:00 21 AGE   3 Stuart Green 28:58:00 23 TPB/P2P
4 Laura Igoe 28:42:00 20 TPB/P2P   4 Joe Cooke 29:22:00 22 TBS
5 Eddie Mas 28:57:00 19 JOE   5 Jim Puglisi 29:34:00 21 TPB/P2P
6 Terry Griswold 29:10:00 18 JOE   6 Allen Erb 30:47:00 20 TBS
7 Steve Toorongian 29:11:00 17 RED DR   7 Glenn Speller 30:54:00 19 TPB/P2P
8 Rob Nowinski 29:23:00 16 JOE   8 Jim Kuberka 30:56:00 18 JOE
9 James Cowle 29:25:00 15 AGE   9 Shawn Johnson 31:02:00 17  
10 Peter Cummings 29:31:00 14 TPB/P2P   10 Craig Polston 31:04:00 16 TBS
11 Ken Thomas 29:33:00 13 AGE   11 Larry Watkins 31:14:00 15 TBS
12 John Fabian 29:34:00 12     12 Bob Patterson 31:31:00 14 TPB/P2P
13 Michael Kazinski 30:10:00 11 TPB/P2P   12 Tim Galvin 31:31:00 14 TPB/P2P
14 Jeff Yurko 30:21:00 10 TPB/P2P   14 Debbie Matteliano 31:36:00 12 JOE
15 Ben Badagliacca 30:29:00 9 JOE   15 Lucinda Griswold 31:41:00 11 JOE
16 Attilio Nicosia 30:34:00 8 JOE   16 Greg Jensen 31:44:00 10  
17 Scott Farrrell 30:38:00 7 RED DR   17 Larry Fillinger 32:29:00 9  
18 David Hawkes 30:57:00 6 RED DR   18 Ed Knab 33:06:00 8 TPB/P2P
19 Traci Mariniello 31:01:00 5 TPB/P2P   19 Harry Slocum 33:39:00 7  
20 Tony Hoffman 31:14:00 4 RED DR   20 Tim Bouchard 33:55:00 6 TPB/P2P
21 John Garrett 32:08:00 3 Hbars   21 Janel Bedard 35:56:00 5  
22 Bryan Bonn 33:14:00 2 Hbars   22 Melissa Nicosia 35:59:00 4 JOE
23 Chris Fuller 35:24:00 1 AGE   23 Chris Donn 36:17:00 3  
          24 David Misenheimer 37:24:00 2  
          25 Dave Chiarmonte 42:57:00 1  
  C Race                  
Plc. Name Time Pts.              
1 Larry Reade 34:51:00                
2 Lindy Erb 43:53:00 10              
3 Ladislav Dohanics 44:07:00                

  Langford Road Race – Sunday - September 16, 2007  
  Race Director: Duane Wisniewski  
  Marshals: John Fabian, Michael Widger, Brian Rohr, Bruce Mayer, Grandfather for Greg Jensen  
  Report: Both races stayed together and came down to pack sprints. In the A's, AG Edwards took 3 of the top 5 places, while B series Champion Joe Cooke finished a very respectable 4th in his first A race. In the B race, David Van Horn takes his first BBC win, just holding off a charging Steve Forrestel at the line.    
  A Race         B Race    
Time: 1 hour 44 minutes     Time: 1 hour 25 minutes  
Dist: 38.4 Miles     Dist: 28.8 Miles  
Plc. Name Pts. Team   Plc. Name Pts. Team
1 James Cowle 21 AGE   1 David Van Horn 27  
2 Ken Thomas 20 AGE   2 Steve Forrestel 26 JOE
3 Scott Farrell 19 RD   3 Mark Subjeck 25 TPB/P2P
4 Joe Cooke 18 TBS   4 Stephen Hoadley 24  
5 Frank Mesi 17 AGE   5 Allen Erb 23 TBS
6 John McClory 16 TBS   6 Bob Patterson 22 TPB/P2P
7 Glenn Hansen 15 TPB/P2P   7 Stuart Green 21 TPB/P2P
8 Brad Carbaugh 14 RD   8 Larry Watkins 20 TBS
9 David Hawkes 13 RD   9 Craig Polston 19 TBS
10 Chris Cej 12 AGE   10 Vince Lorenz 18 JOE
11 Bryan Bonn 11 HB   11 Tom Robinson 17 TBS
12 Peter Nuessle 10 RD   12 Adam Trost 16 TBS
13 Ben Badagliacca 9 JOE   13 Joe Holler 15  
14 Joe Giovenco 8 JOE   14 Cameron Townsend 14 TPB/P2P
15 Rob Nowinski 7 JOE   15 Glenn Speller 13 TPB/P2P
16 Tony Hoffman 6 RD   16 Robert Johnson 12 RD
17 Attilio Nicosia 5 JOE   17 Debbie Matteliano 11 JOE
18 John Garrett 4 HB   18 Larry Fillinger 10  
19 Jeff Yurko 3 TPB/P2P   19 Jim Holler 9  
20 Dan Youhess 2 HB   20 Ed Knab 8 TPB/P2P
dnf Mike Kazinski 0 TPB/P2P   21 Tim Bouchard 7 TPB/P2P
          22 Greg Jensen 6  
  Primes:    Pts.     23 Bill Dowling 5  
1 1. Glenn Hansen 5 TPB/P2P   24 Rolf Weberg 4 TBS
  2. Ken Thomas 3 AGE   25 Jim Puglisi 3 TPB/P2P
  3. Jeff Yurko 1 TPB/P2P   26 Nicole Bernard 2 RD
          dnf Steve Brooks 0 TPB/P2P
2 1. Ken Thomas 5 AGE          
  2. James Cowle 3 AGE     Primes: Pts.  
  3. Glenn Hansen 1 TPB/P2P   1 1. Steve Forrestel 5  
          2. Stuart Green 3  
          3. Larry Watkins 1  

  Boston/Colden Road Race – Sunday - August 19, 2007
  Race Director: Duane Wisniewski
  Marshals: David Bisenius, Tom Robinson, Vince Lorenz's brother
  Report: Joe Cooke, already having earned his upgrade to the A category for next year, just keeps riding strong and smart, taking his 5th win of the year in the B's. David VH rides a strong race to finish 2nd, and Joe N. takes 3rd to help to earn his way up to the A's. In the A race, Steve T. takes off solo from the start, is later joined by teammate Tony H., and they almost take it to the finish, but a chase group catches them just before the finish, and John R. takes the sprint in his first BBC race of '07.  
  A Race       B Race  
Distance: 38.0 miles   Distance: 27.5 miles 
Winning Time: 1 hr. 53 minutes   Winning Time: 1 hr. 24 minutes
Plc. Name Pts.   Plc. Name Pts.
1 John Roden 24   1 Joe Cooke 37
2 Ken Thomas 23   2 David Van Horn 36
3 Tony Hoffman 22   3 Joe Niezgoda 35
4 James Cowle 21   4 Shawn O'Neil 34
5 Steve Toorongian 20   5 Jamie Hughey 33
6 Peter Nuessle 19   6 Kevin McCrone 32
7 Tim Putman 18   7 Peter Ziolo 31
8 David Hawkes 17   8 Adam Trost 30
9 Scott Farrell 16   9 Stuart Green 29
10 John McClory 15   10 Shelley Isaacs 28
11 Terry Griswold 14   11 Steve Forrestel 27
12 Attilio Nicosia 13   12 Debbie Matteliano 26
13 Eddie Mas 12   13 Jim Kuberka 25
14 Ben Badagliacca 11   14 Tim Bouchard 24
15 Joe Giovenco 10   15 Greg Jensen 23
16 David Kina 9   16 Bob Patterson 22
17 Chris Cej 8   17 Lucinda Griswold 21
18 Frank Grillo 7   18 Chuck Yates 20
19 Rob Nowinski 6   19 Harry Slocum 19
20 Bryan Bonn 5   20 Vince Lorenz 18
21 Dan Youhess 4   21 Cameron Townsend 17
dnf Jeff Yurko 0   22 Allen Erb 16
dnf John Fabian 0   23 Mike Widger 15
dnf Chris Fuller 0   24 Craig Polston 14
        25 Bill Dowling 13
  Primes: Pts.   26 Tim Galvin 12
        27 Rolf Weberg 11
1 1. Steve Toorongian 5   28 Glenn Speller 10
  2. Tony Hoffman 3   29 Rob Hillyard 9
  3. Tim Putman 1   30 Tim Abati 8
        31 Peter Potter 7
2 1. Tony Hoffman 5   32 Jon Rosen 6
  2. Steve Toorongian 3   33 Bob Glanville 5
  3. David Hawkes 1   34 Steve Brooks 4
      35 Melissa Nicosia 3
      36 Gil Farkash 2
      37 Bill Kuch 1
  C Race          
Distance : 17 miles       Prime: Pts.
Winning Time :        1 1. Joe Niezgoda 5
Plc. Name Pts.     2. Joe Cooke 3
1 Mike McCrone       3. Jamie Hughey 1

  Marilla Combined Course Road Race – Sunday - August 05, 2007
  Race Director: Duane Wisniewski
  Report: Team racing resumed with a great turnout on a great day. For the most part, both the A and B races stayed together. Shickluna teammates Ben and Jay easily pulled away at the end to take 1-2 in the A's. In the B's, Joe wins for the second time in Marilla, and Tim has his best result ever to fiinish second. Alex Weberg takes the win in the C race.   
  A Race       B Race  
Distance: 41.5 miles   Distance: 32.0 miles 
Winning Time: 1 hr. 43 minutes   Winning Time: 1 hr. 24 minutes
Plc. Name Pts.   Plc. Name Pts.
1 Ben Jamesson 32   1 Joe Cooke 44
2 Jay Joslyn 31   2 Tim Bouchard 43
3 Mike Loranty 30   3 Jim Kuberka 42
4 Scott Farrell 29   4 Steve Forrestel 41
5 Glenn Hansen 28   5 Jamie Hughey 40
6 David Hawkes 27   6 Shawn O'Neil 39
7 Steve Toorongian 26   7 David VanHorn 38
8 James Cowle 25   8 Adam Trost 37
9 Ken Thomas 24   9 Vince Lorenz 36
10 Peter Nuessle 23   10 Allen Erb 35
11 Dan Youhess 22   11 Joe Niezgoda 34
12 Chris Bushover 21   12 Brian Rohr 33
13 Brad Carbaugh 20   13 James Heaney 32
14 Chris Cej 19   14 Larry Watkins 31
15 Tony Hoffman 18   15 Peter Ziolo 30
16 John McClory 17   16 Lucinda Griswold 29
17 John Fabian 16   17 Jenny Bushover 28
18 Terry Griswold 15   18 Scott Lytle 27
19 Tim Putman 14   19 Bob Patterson 26
20 Joe Giovenco 13   20 Roger Hungerford 25
21 Dave Kina 12   21 Glenn Speller 24
22 Rob Nowinski 11   22 Shelley Isaacs 23
23 Attilio Nicosia 10   23 Rolf Weberg 22
24 Ben Willis 9   24 Greg Jensen 21
25 Joe Halter 8   25 Mike Widger 20
26 Laura Igoe 7   26 Bill Dowling 19
27 Eddie Mas 6   27 Tim Abati 18
28 Frank Grillo 5   28 Kevin McCrone 17
29 Jeff Yurko 4   29 Tom Robinson 16
30 Michael Kazinski 3   30 Jim Puglisi 15
dnf Chris Fuller 0   31 Tim Galvin 14
dnf Rosie Garlapow 0   32 Jon Rosen 13
        33 Mark Subjeck 12
  Primes:    Pts.   34 Jason Kozak 11
  Ben Jamesson 5   35 Kathy Finnegan 10
  Glenn Hansen 3   36 Gil Farkash 9
  Mike Loranty 1   37 Keith Pellerin 8
        38 Stefan Buczak 7
  Jay Joslyn 5   39 Melissa Nicosia 6
  Mike Loranty 3   40 Dan Park 5
  Ben Jamesson 1   41 William Kuch 4
        dnf Steve Brooks 0
  C Race     dnf Robert Johnson 0
Time     dnf Joe Emhof 0
Distance: 22 miles          
Plc. Name Pts.     Primes: Pts.
1 Alex Weberg 10     Vince Lorenz 5
2 Mike McCrone 9     Jim Kuberka 3
3 Lindy Erb 8     Joe Niezgoda 1

  East Arcade Road Race – Sunday - July 22, 2007
  Race Director: Duane Wisniewski
  Marshals: Jim Kuberka, Dan Youhess, Melissa Nicosia,  
                Joe Niezgoda, Erin & child for Ken Thomas
  Report: Dead men tell no tales.....fortunately, the video cam battery was not dead. Upon review of the race video, the finish line results of the A race were reversed, as Ben edged out Ryan by inches for the win. Jason pulled away from his 5-man chase group to easily take the final podium spot. In an 11-rider pack finish in the B race, Jamie held off a surging Joe, the B category points leader, for his first win of the year. In a photo finish for 3rd place, my eyes actually made the correct call, confirmed by the video, as Craig edged out his teammate Adam. In the C race, Ian grabbed his 5th win of 2007, to keep things close with Lindy for the C category points race championship.     Duane     
  A Race       B Race  
Distance: 41.0 miles   Distance: 33.0 miles 
Winning Time: 1 hr. 50 minutes   Winning Time: 1 hr. 40 minutes
Plc. Name Pts.   Plc. Name Pts.
1 Ben Jamesson 23   1 Jamie Hughey 22
2 Ryan Nye 22   2 Joe Cooke 21
3 Jason Skalski 21   3 Craig Polston 20
4 Ken Thomas 20   4 Adam Trost 19
5 Adam Garlapow 19   5 Steve Forrestel 18
6 Jay Joslyn 18   6 Allen Erb 17
7 Glenn Hansen 17   7 Lawrence Watkins 16
8 Brad Carbaugh 16   8 Shelley Isaacs 15
9 Steve Toorongian 15   9 Tim Bouchard 14
10 Attilio Nicosia 14   10 Kevin McCrone 13
11 Scott Farrell 13   11 Peter Ziolo 12
12 Ben Badagliacca 12   12 Brian Carbaugh 11
13 Jeff Yurko 11   13 Tom Robinson 10
14 John Fabian 10   14 Rob Johnson 9
15 Chris Fuller 9   15 Amy Putman 8
16 John Garrett 8   16 Chuck Yates 7
17 Eddie Mas 7   17 Rachel Brooks 6
dnf Jim Costello 0   18 Greg Jensen 5
dnf Ben Willis 0   19 Peter Potter 4
dnf Frank Grillo 0   20 Jon Rosen 3
dnf Joe Giovenco 0   dnf Vince Lorenz 0
dnf Jim Cowle 0   dnf Janel Bedard 0
dnf Bryan Bonn 0        
          Primes: Pts.
  Primes:    Pts.     Jamie Hughey 3
  Glenn Hansen 3     Adam Trost 1
  Ryan Nye 1        
          Joe Cooke 3
  Adam Garlapow 3     Jamie Hughey 1
  Ryan Nye 1        
          C Race  
  Adam Garlapow 3   Distance: 18.0 miles  
  Ryan Nye 1   Plc. Name Pts.
        1 Ian Potter 10
        2 Lindy Erb 9
        3 Mike McCrone 8

  Corfu East Road Race – Sunday - July 15, 2007
  Race Director: Duane Wisniewski
  Marshals: Laura Igoe, Michael Karpie, Brad Karpie, Jeff Yurko
  Race Report: In the A's, Jay takes off early and the peloton never comes close. Adam breaks away at the end for 2nd, and John G. takes the pack sprint for 3rd. The B race stays together the whole way, and Joshua Brown, visiting from Texas, takes the field sprint. 11 yr. old newcomer Will Greene takes the C race victory.
  A Race       B Race  
Distance: 37.2 miles   Distance: 31 miles
Winning Time: 1 hr. 32 min.   Winning Time: 1 hr. 24 min. 
Plc. Name Pts.   Plc. Name Pts.
1 Jay Joslyn 27   1 Joshua Brown 24
2 Adam Garlapow 26   2 Mark Subjeck 23
3 John Garrett 25   3 David Van Horn 22
4 Dan Youhess 24   4 Joe Cooke 21
5 Ken Thomas 23   5 Craig Polston 20
6 Chris Michaels 22   6 Bob Patterson 19
7 Scott Farrell 21   7 Joe Niezgoda 18
8 Jim Cowle 20   8 Vincent Lorenz 17
9 Andy Cummings 19   9 Tim Bouchard 16
10 Chris Cej 18   10 Larry Watkins 15
11 Rob Nowinski 17   11 Jon Rosen 14
12 John McClory 16   12 Roger Hungerford 13
13 Ben Badagliacca 15   13 Allen Erb 12
14 Glenn Hansen 14   14 Steve Forrestel 11
15 Attilio Nicosia 13   15 John Klein 10
16 John Fabian 12   16 Kevin McCrone 9
17 Joe Giovenco 11   17 Lucinda Griswold 8
18 Tony Hoffman 10   18 Bill Dowling 7
19 Terry Griswold 9   19 Brian Rohr 6
20 Chris Garlapow 8   20 Don Felice 5
21 Todd Backes 7   21 Janel Bedard 4
22 Jim Costello 6   22 Rachel Brooks 3
dnf Brad Carbaugh 0   23 Ben Rohr 2
dnf Chris Fuller 0   dnf Debbie Matteliano 0
dnf Frank Mesi 0        
dnf Frank Grillo 0     Primes: Pts.
dnf Dave Kina 0     Joshua Brown 3
          Joe Cooke 1
  Primes:    Pts.        
  Jay Joslyn 3     David Van Horn 3
  Chris Fuller 1     Joe Niezgoda 1
  Jay Joslyn 3     Vincent Lorenz 3
  Adam Garlapow 1     Joe Cooke 1
        C Race  
      Distance: 18.6 miles  
        Plc. Name Pts.
        1 Will Greene 10
        2 Lindy Erb 9
        3 Mike McCrone 8

  W. Tillen Hill Climb Time Trial – Sunday - July 01, 2007
  Race Director: Rob Nowinski
  Marshals: Jim Scandale, Tim Galvin, Dave Hawkes, Carol Heckman
  Report: Numerous records were broken, and some new records established, as masters records will now be kept in 5 yr. increments, and junior records will be kept for each individual age up to 18.
A Race   B Race
Winning Time: 7 min. 05 sec.   Winning Time: 7 min. 06 sec. 
Distance: 1.5 miles   Distance: 1.5 miles
Plc. Name Age Time Pts.   Plc. Name Age Time Pts.
1 Joe Halter 26 7:05:00 20   1 Joe Cooke 17 7:06:00 24
2 Ryan Nye 18 7:14:00 19   2 Peter Ziolo 55 7:30:00 23
3 Wayne Luther 50 7:15:00 18   3 Kevin McCrone 15 7:34:00 22
4 Glenn Hansen 49 7:34:00 17   4 Milosz Nowak 16 7:40:00 21
5 John McClory 58 7:43:00 16   5 Dave Benton 43 7:50:00 20
6 David Bisenius 17 7:58:00 15   5 David Van Horn 18 7:56:00 19
7 Ben Willis 31 8:00:00 14   7 Larry Watkins 42 7:57:00 18
8 Dave Kina 23 8:15:00 13   8 Shelley Isaacs 35 8:03:00 17
9 Rob Nowinski 35 8:49:00 12   9 Allen Erb 40 8:05:00 16
10 John Fabian 52 9:17:00 11   10 Vince Lorenz 43 8:10:00 15
            11 Adam Trost 30 8:13:00 14
            12 Tim Bouchard 24 8:15:00 13
C Race   13 Steve Forrestel 58 8:17:00 12
Winning Time: 11 min. 21 sec.      14 Stuart Green 46 8:25:00 11
Distance: 1.5 miles   15 Bill Dowling 56 8:26:00 10
Plc. Name Age Time Pts.   16 Harry Slocum 60 8:38:00 9
1 Will Greene 11 11:21:00     17 Art Michalek 25 8:49:00 8
2 Al Browne 77 12:34:00     18 Rolf Weberg 47 9:03:00 7
            19 Robert Johnson 48 9:11:00 6
            20 Jon Rosen 40 9:44:00 5
  New records highlighted     21 Thomas Weaver 33 9:46:00 4
            22 Roger Hungerford 56 9:50:00 3
            23 Peter Potter 52 10:00:00 2
            24 Paul Kroetsch 42 11:40:00 1

  Rice Hill Road Race – Sunday - June 24, 2007
  Race Director: Steve Pusatier
  Marshals: Traci Mariniello, Larry Reade, Stuart Green, Luigi for Ben Badagliacca, , 
                 Al Hughes, Bob Johnson, Nicole Bernard, Stan Skotnicki for Jeanne Skotnicki
  Report: In the B's, it was the Joe-Joe show. Niezgoda takes all the Primes, but Cooke takes the finish for his 3rd BBC win of '07. AG Edwards controlled the A race, winning all the Primes and placing 3 in the top 5 as Ken Thomas takes his first '07 BBC win, followed closely by Jim Cowle. In the C race, Ian pulls away at the end for 1st, as  Lindy takes 2nd.
  A Race       B Race  
Distance: 32.4 Miles   Distance 27.0 miles 
Winning Time: 1 hr. 36 min.   Winning Time: 1 hr. 25 min.
Plc. Name Pts.   Plc. Name Pts.
1 Ken Thomas 20   1 Joe Cooke 21
2 Jim Cowle 19   2 Joe Niezgoda 20
3 John Garrett 18   3 Craig Polston 19
4 Ben Badagliacca 17   4 Allen Erb 18
5 Ben Willis 16   5 Tim Hofer 17
6 Brad Carbaugh 15   6 Vince Lorenz 16
7 Terry Griswold 14   7 Shelley Isaacs 15
8 David Bisenius 13   8 Peter Ziolo 14
9 Dave Kina 12   9 Tim Bouchard 13
10 Eddie Mas 11   10 Larry Watkins 12
11 John Fabian 10   11 Steve Forrestel 11
12 Attilio Nicosia 9   12 Rick Stelianou 10
13 John McClory 8   13 Bob Patterson 9
14 Dan Youhess 7   14 Harry Slocum 8
15 Rob Nowinski 6   15 Bill Dowling 7
16 Bryan Bonn 5   16 Lucinda Griswold 6
        17 Tom Weaver 5
  Primes:    Pts.   18 Peter Potter 4
1 1. Jim Cowle 3   19 Jon Rosen 3
  2. David Bisenius 1   20 Bob Glanville 2
        21 Elizabeth Persons 1
2 1. Ken Thomas 3        
  2. David Bisenius 1     Primes: Pts.
        1 1. Joe Niezgoda 3
3 1. Ben Willis 3     2. Joe Cooke 1
  2. David Bisenius 1        
        2 1. Joe Niezgoda 3
          2. Joe Cooke 1
  C Race          
Distance: 11 miles     3 1. Joe Niezgoda 3
Plc. Name Pts.     2. Joe Cooke 1
1 Ian Potter 10        
2 Lindy Erb 9        

Baracchi 35 km Time Trial - Sunday - June 17, 2007
Race Director: Derek Szabo      
Asst. Race Director: Dave Chiarmonte    
Marshals: Tim Bouchard, Brad Carbaugh, Shelley Issacs, Peter Ziolo, Jason for Attilio, Lynn for Jim Cowle   
Report:  Toms Pro Bike/P2P and Job One/Managed Care teams take 5 of the top 6 places. Spoiling the sweep was BBC Road Race Champion James Cowle, who not only rode solo, but also had to change an early flat tire.
Combined Age Placing   Time  Overall Placing
69 yrs. and under        
1. Dave Kina / Ben Willis (65 yrs.)   0:54:50 7
2. Mike Bridges / Rob Klinshaw (69 yrs.) 0:54:54 8
3. Tom Weaver / James Kisicki   0:59:23 11
4. Peter Potter / Ian Potter   1:21:02 14
70 - 99 yrs.        
1. Eddie Mas / Joe Niezgoda (77 yrs.) 0:52:26 2
2. Peter Cummings / Tim Abati (71 yrs.) 0:54:18 3
3. Tim Galvin / Traci Mariniello (90 yrs.) 0:56:28 10
4. Mike Karpie / Brad Karpie (76 yrs.) 1:12:14 13
5. Glenn Speller / Greta Speller (87 yrs.) dnf dnf
100 - 119 yrs.        
1. Jim Puglisi / Stuart Green (100 yrs.) 0:52:07 1
2. Ben Badagliacca / Attilio Nicosia (110 yrs.) 0:54:38 5
3. Steve Forrestel / Vince Lorenz (101 yrs.) 0:54:44 6
4. Glenn Hansen / Paul Kroetsch (92 yrs.) 0:56:17 9
120 yrs. and over        
1. Harry Slocum / Larry Reade (134 yrs.) 1:03:40 12
James Cowle (28 yrs.)     0:54:27 4
Gil Farkash (41 yrs.) - 1 lap (17.5 km) 0:36:38  

  Hunter's Creek Road Race Championship – Sunday - June 10, 2007
  Race Director: Duane Wisniewski, Frank Grillo
  Marshals: John Klein, William Dowling, Chuck Yates, Lisa Hoffman for Tony Hoffman
  Report: Great turnout, including a large southern tier/northern Pennsylvania contingent. In the A's, Jay (Shickluna) and Sean (Red Door) broke away early and worked together to finish 1-2 well ahead of the field. Chris Cioccio (IRMC/GRB) finished ahead of the rest of the shredded A field to take 3rd. In the B's, things stayed tight most of the race until Joe (The Bike Shop) took the sprint to the line ahead of Erik & Joe (Hollyloft/Kwik-Fill), and former teammate Steve, (Job One/Managed Care Network).
  A Race       B Race  
Time: 2 hours 12 minutes   Time: 1 hour 42 minutes 
Distance: 50.0 Miles   Distance: 36.0 Miles
Plc. Name Pts.   Plc. Name Pts.
1 Jay Joslyn 42   1 Joe Cooke 39
2 Sean Sullivan 41   2 Erik Baker 38
3 Chris Cioccio 40   3 Joe Radack 37
4 Bob Dahl 39   4 Steve Forrestel 36
5 Ben Jamesson 38   5 Ed Killeen 35
6 Tim Finnegan 37   6 Debbie Mizikowski 34
7 Brett McKay 36   7 Peter Ziolo 33
8 James Cowle 35   8 Harry Slocum 32
9 Glenn Hansen 34   9 Shelley Isaacs 31
10 Ken Thomas 33   10 Cameron Townsend 30
11 Tim Putman 32   11 Tom Robinson 29
12 Chris Fuller 31   12 Larry Watkins 28
13 Jeff Baker 30   13 Don Felice 27
14 John McClory 29   14 Tim Galvin 26
15 Chris Cej 28   15 Brian Rohr 25
16 Peter Nuessle 27   16 Stuart Green 24
17 Terry Griswold 26   17 Glenn Speller 23
Scott Farrell
25   18 Lucinda Griswold 22
19 James Graley III 24   19 Rolf Weberg 21
Tony Hoffman
23   20 Chris Smith 20
21 David Hawkes 22   21 Tim Bouchard 19
22 Attilio Nicosia 21   22 Adam Trost 18
23 John Fabian 20   23 Bob Patterson 17
24 Dan Youhess 19   24 Randy Langworthy 16
25 Steve Toorongian 18   25 Mark Subjeck 15
26 Dave Bisenius 17   26 Tom Eberlein 14
27 Eddie Mas 16   27 Debbie Matteliano 13
28 Jeff Yurko 15   28 Jon Rosen 12
29 Rob Klinshaw 14   29 Jim Puglisi 11
30 Traci Mariniello 13   30 Peter Potter 10
31 Peter Cummings 12   31 Tim Abati 9
32 Rob Nowinski 11   32 Jason Kozak 8
dnf Scott Farrell 10   33 Kathy Finnegan 7
dnf Jeremy Bickling 9   34 Gil Farkash 6
dnf Ed Munch 0   35 Melissa Nicosia 5
dnf Joe Giovenco 0   36 Rosario Nicosia 4
dnf Brad Carbaugh 0   dnf Nicole Bernard  
dnf Ben Badagliacca 0   dnf Craig Polston  
dnf David Kina 0   dnf Dan Park  
dnf Mike Bridges 0        
dnf Ryan Nye 0     Primes: Pts.
dnf Andy Cummings 0   1 1. Ed Killeen 5
dnf Stan Skotnicki 0     2. Peter Ziolo 3
dnf Tony Hoffman 0     3. Larry Watkins ?? 1
  Primes:    Pts.        
1 1. Jay Joslyn 3     C Race  
  2. Sean Sullivan 1   Time:  
        Distance: 22 miles  
2 1. Jay Joslyn 3   Plc. Name Pts.
  2. Sean Sullivan 1   1 Alex Weberg  

  Grand Island 20 km. Time Trial – Sunday - May 27, 2007  
  Race Director: Derek Szabo  
  Marshals: Glenn Speller, Bill Kuch, friend for Glenn Hansen  
  Report: A windy day on the island, but the rain held off. Wayne takes his 2nd consecutive BBC win in the A race, while Joe takes his first BBC win in the B's, only trailing Wayne by a few seconds for the overall. Ian takes another win in the C's, while Art Vandalay does his first BBC race in 2 yrs.  
  A Race         B Race    
Winning Time: 28 min. 02 sec.     Winning Time: 28 min. 08 sec.   
Distance: 20 km.     Distance: 20 km.  
Plc. Name Time Pts.   Plc. Name Time Pts.
1 Wayne Luther 28:02:00 20   1 Joe Niezgoda 28:08:00 22
2 Glenn Hansen 28:49:00 19   2 Ed Killeen 30:11:00 21
3 Eddie Mas 30:20:00 18   3 Stuart Green 30:29:00 20
4 Rob Nowinski 31:01:00 17   4 Jim Puglisi 31:51:00 19
5 John McClory 32:02:00 16   5 Tim Galvin 31:58:00 18
6 Traci Mariniello 32:42:00 15   5 Larry Watkins 31:58:00 18
7 John Fabian 33:06:00 14   7 Chris Smith 32:07:00 16
8 Art Vandelay 37:00:00 13   8 Cameron Townsend 32:09:00 15
          9 Joe Cooke 32:28:00 14
          10 Allen Erb 32:37:00 13
          11 Vince Lorenz 32:51:00 12
  C Race       12 Rick Stelianou 33:08:00 11
  Winning Time: 43 min. 47 sec.         13 Bob Patterson 34:14:00 10
  Distance: 20 km       14 Rosario Nicosia 34:18:00 9
Plc. Name Time Pts.   15 Tim Bouchard 34:36:00 8
1 Ian Potter 43:47:00 10   16 Steve Brooks 34:43:00 7
2 Ladislav Dohanics 51:22:00     17 Pat McGovern 35:11:00 6
3 Lindy Erb 52:05:00 9   18 Peter Potter 35:51:00 5
4 Paul & Nate Adams 54:52:00     19 Brad Karpie 39:40:00 4
          20 Dave Chiarmonte 43:38:00 3
          21 Mike Karpie 43:58:00 2
          dnf Gil Farkask   0

  Langford Road Race – Sunday - May 20, 2007
  Race Director: Duane Wisniewski
  Marshals: John McClory, Frank Mesi, Mike Kazinski, Dave Kina
  Report: A lot of attacking broke up both race groups early on. Even with Wayne sporting an actual target in place of a bib number, no one could shoot him down on the final lap. Joe H. was part of a handful who were off the front throughout the B race, easily leaving them behind at the finish. The C race had their usual head to head, with Ian edging out Lindy for the win.
  A Race       B Race  
Time: 2 hour 10 minutes   Time: 1 hour 53 minutes
Dist: 48.0 Miles   Dist: 38.4 Miles
Plc. Name Pts.   Plc. Name Pts.
1 Wayne Luther 20   1 Joe Holler 25
2 Jim Cowle 19   2 Larry Watkins 24
3 Adam Garlapow 18   3 Peter Ziolo 23
4 Glenn Hansen 17   4 Vince Lorenz 22
5 Joe Halter 16   5 Steve Forrestel 21
6 Chris Cej 15   6 James Hughey 20
7 Ben Willis 14   7 Ed Killeen 19
8 Ken Thomas 13   8 Joe Cooke 18
9 Andy Cummings 12   9 Allen Erb 17
10 Chris Fuller 11   10 Brian Rohr 16
11 Mike Bridges 10   11 Craig Polston 15
12 Ben Badagliacca 9   12 Harry Slocum 14
13 Stan Skotnicki 8   13 Joe Niezgoda 13
14 Brad Carbaugh 7   14 Milosz Nowak 12
15 John Fabian 6   15 Glenn Speller 11
16 Joe Giovenco 5   16 Cameron Townsend 10
17 Dan Youhess 4   17 Debbie Matteliano 9
18 Pat Merrick 3   18 Rob Johnson 8
dnf Scott Farrell 0   19 Rick Stelianou 7
dnf Bryan Bonn 0   20 Maureen Mayer 6
        21 Peter Potter 5
  Primes: Pts.   22 Mike Widger 4
1 Adam Garlapow 3   23 Ronald George 3
2 Wayne Luther 1   24 Rosario Nicosia 2
        dnf Keith Pellerin 0
1 Glenn Hansen 3        
2 Wayne Luther 1     Primes: Pts.
        1 Vince Lorenz 3
1 Adam Garlapow 3   2 Steve Forrestel 1
2 Wayne Luther 1        
        1 Joe Holler 3
        2 Vince Lorenz 1
        C Race  
      Dist: 20 miles  
        Plc. Name Pts.
        1 Ian Potter 10
        2 Lindy Erb 9

  Marilla East Road Race – Sunday - May 6, 2007
  Race Director: Duane Wisniewski
  Marshals: Jack Frost, Adam Trost, Rebecca Erb, Frank Broderick, someone's dad
  Report: Largest turnout and the best club race that I've been a part of in my 5 yrs. with the BBC. Two big, quality fields made for two great races with two rising young talents taking the two wins. Combined age of Ryan & Joe: 34 ! (much lower than Attilio's age!)  In the C race, even younger racers battled it out for 18 windy miles, with Ian edgng out Lindy for the win.
  A Race       B Race  
Time: 1 hour 50 minutes   Time: 
Dist: 40.0 Miles   Dist: 33.0 Miles
Plc. Name Pts.   Plc. Name Pts.
1 Ryan Nye 36   1 Joe Cooke 35
2 Jim Cowle 35   2 Joe Holler 34
3 Ken Thomas 34   3 Joe Niezgoda 33
4 Laura Igoe 33   4 Milosz Nowak 32
5 Steve Toorongian 32   5 Vincent Lorenz 31
6 Scott Farrell 31   6 Steve Forrestel 30
7 Glenn Hansen 30   7 Allen Erb 29
8 Chris Tirone 29   8 Jim Kuberka 28
9 Tim Putman 28   9 Peter Ziolo 27
10 John McClory 27   10 Lawrence Watkins 26
11 Brad Carbaugh 26   11 Ed Killeen 25
12 David Hawkes 25   12 Brian Rohr 24
13 Mike Bridges 24   13 Cameron Townsend 23
14 Tony Hoffman 23   14 Stuart Green 22
15 David Bisenius 22   15 Glenn Speller 21
16 Peter Nuessle 21   16 Rob Johnson 20
17 Ben Badagliacca 20   17 Tim Bouchard 19
18 Eddie Mas 19   18 Debbie Matteliano 18
19 Terry Griswold 18   19 Lucinda Griswold 17
20 Rob Nowinski 17   20 Rick Stelianou 16
21 Jeff Yurko 16   21 Chuck Yates 15
22 Attilio Nicosia 15   22 Craig Polston 14
23 Pat Merrick 14   23 Mark Subjeck 13
24 Mike Kazinski 13   24 Shelley Isaacs 12
25 Chris Fuller 12   25 Jim Puglisi 11
26 Traci Mariniello 11   26 Peter Potter 10
27 Jeff Baker 10   27 Tom Robinson 9
28 Andy Cummings 9   28 Tim Abati 8
29 John Fabian 8   29 Dan Park 7
30 John Garrett 7   30 Jason Kozak 6
31 Peter Cummings 6   31 Bill Kuch 5
dnf Eric Curtis 0   32 Melissa Nicosia 4
dnf Chris Cej 0   33 Rosario Nicosia 3
dnf Bryan Bonn 0   dnf Tim Galvin 0
dnf Frank Mesi 0   dnf John Klein 0
dnf Joe Giovenco 0        
  Primes: Pts.     Primes: Pts.
  Jim Cowle 3     Joe Niezgoda 3
  Ryan Nye 1     Joe Holler 1
  Ryan Nye 3     Jim Kuberka 3
  Jim Cowle 1     Joe Holler 1
        C Race  
        Plc. Name Pts.
        1 Ian Potter 10
        2 Lindy Erb 9

  Saturday April 28, 2007 - Akron 20 km. Individual Time Trial
  Race Director: Duane Wisniewski, Larry Reade
  Marshals: Keith Gregory, Scott Farrell, Attilio Nicosia
  Report: No Snow! Enough said.
  A Race       B Race  
Plc. Name Time   Plc. Name Time
1 Glenn Hansen 29:50:00   1 Pat Merrick 31:29:00
2 Laura Igoe 30:18:00   2 Stuart Green 31:47:00
3 Peter Cummings 30:19:00   3 Jim Puglisi 31:51:00
4 Terry Griswold 30:53:00   4 Tim Galvin 32:23:00
5 Eddie Mas 30:54:00   5 Tim Abati 32:54:00
6 Mike Kazinski 31:35:00   6 Steve Forrestel 33:23:00
7 John McClory 32:04:00   7 Joe Cooke 33:48:00
8 David Bisenius 32:07:00   8 Vince Lorenz 35:03:00
9 David Hawkes 32:19:00   9 Lucinda Griswold 35:22:00
10 Jeff Yurko 32:37:00   10 Glenn Speller 35:22:00
11 Carol Heckman 32:39:00   11 Craig Polston 36:03:00
12 Ben Badagliacca 32:52:00   12 Tim Bouchard 36:55:00
13 Rob Nowinski 33:01:00   13 William Kuch 37:04:00
14 Traci Mariniello 33:19:00   14 Nicole Bernard 39:07:00
15 John Fabian 33:43:00   15 Mark Moynihan 41:16:00
16 Dan Youhess 34:16:00   16    
17 Tim Putman 34:16:00   17    
18 Bryan Bonn 36:28:00   18    
19       19    
20       20